Volunteer With Us

It’s always a great time get involved with the Canadian Tamil Professionals Association. We seek volunteers who look for opportunities to make a positive difference in our professional community. Choose the path that’s right for you.

Develop new skills
Meet like-minded volunteers
Create Positive Change


Join CTPA's volunteer program as we work towards positively shaping the future of Tamil Professionals. CTPA's volunteer program offers a welcoming space that provides learning opportunities and fosters skill development.

Click on the positions below to view their respective descriptions.

If you are interested, please contact us for more info!

Internal Relations

The Internal Relations team is responsible for developing and maintaining internal relationships within CTPA and managing portfolio leads to recruit volunteers and implement strategies to ensure team engagement throughout the year.

Marketing & Communications

The Marketing and Communications team is responsible for leveraging social media to benefit internal portfolios, developing a new and improved website, and expanding content.

Finance & Grants

The Finance & Grants team is responsible for financial initiatives, IT initiatives, and forming strategic partnerships within the community for grant purposes.

Alumni Relations

The Alumni Relations team is responsible for re-engaging with our past alumni to establish a relationship with past Chairs to identify key CTPA volunteers from the past 15 years, establish external relationships, and execute alumni relations events.

Community Partnership

The Community Partnerships team is responsible for corporate relationships, maintaining community partnerships, and geographic and ethnic expansion.

Membership & Sponsorship

The Membership & Sponsorship team is responsible for generating value-added services and programming, pricing structure, marketing content/strategy development, maintaining/developing corporate relationships, and geographic expansion.

Professional Development

The Professional Development team is responsible for planning/executing professional development workshops and fostering networking opportunities.

Signature Events

The Signature Events team is responsible for brainstorming, planning, and executing CTPA’s Signature Events, which includes Toast to Success, the Tamil Heritage Month Event, Black & White Affair, etc.

Growth & Fundraising

The Growth & Fundraising team is responsible for growing and expanding fundraising initiatives through unique programming.


The Mentorship team is responsible for reaching out to external organizations for potential mentors and planning/executing events (i.e. Paalam Launch) where both mentees & mentors applicants can get together to transfer knowledge, skills and experience.

    Volunteer Testimonials

    CTPA is a great organization and volunteering has opened up doors to meet like-minded
    professionals across industries! If you’re looking to work with motivated individuals looking to make positive change - this is the place to be!

    - Ashwin Vadivelu

    My experience volunteering with CTPA has been wonderful. I have met many kind, dedicated, and ambitious professionals who want to help elevate others and expand their networks, while keeping up with the pulse of the Tamil community. Being able to share my creativity in my role is very fulfilling, and it is a delight to be on an amazing team!

    - Anita Rajan

    Volunteering with the CTPA is an excellent opportunity. It is a great way to give back to the community, network with other professionals, and even learn a thing or two in a field you don't normally work in!

    - Varnan Sarvananthan

    Through my time at CTPA, I’ve had the privilege to forge valuable connections with professionals across diverse industries and community partners from all walks of life. These relationships have significantly contributed to both my personal and professional development.

    - Joshua Mariampillai

    Volunteering at CTPA has been a transformative experience and a pinnacle step in the professional establishment of my career. It has enabled me to foster transferable skills and expand my network in the Tamil community. I'm truly grateful for my experience at CTPA.

    - Indojaa Sathiyaseelan

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