Exercise Advice for the Professional

I can sit here all day lecturing you on the importance of exercise and its role in prolonging longevity and decreasing the risks for diseases – but that’s pretty obvious if you ask me. Though it is quite obvious, there are always obstacles to keeping healthy, just like a fence that is too tall to climb. If you ask any …

6 Personal Abilities That Will Guarantee Results

Success can be defined in different ways by different people. In today’s business environment, there are many ways to make yourself stand out whether it be at work, during presentations or in a personal setting. I have written this blog with the intention to help you as a reader learn the importance of effective communication, staying on target, using your …

5 Ways to Win with Networking

“It’s not what you know, but who you know.” Here’s a lesson that has been ingrained in our minds, yet most of us still face difficulty in expanding our network to grow our career. Actively networking is one of the best things you could do for yourself, whether you are a new graduate ready to step into the ‘real world’, …

The Unconventional Approach to Getting Hired

Let’s face it – we’ve all been through it. You see a great job posting online so you begin preparing your cover letter and tweaking your resume to suit the job description. However, you soon realize that your job application may be one of many received. The hiring manager and/or recruiter may only spend a minute or two glancing over …

Paalam Mentorship – An Ongoing Relationship of Learning

Have you ever had doubts about which career path to take? Not sure what type of skills would be beneficial to you? If you are a recent graduate or a young emerging professional and want to receive career advice from experts, then join CTPA’s mentorship program called Paalam. Through Paalam you will gain valuable career advice, develop communication skills, enhance …