During this time when everything in the world seems uncertain, we are being faced with a huge challenge. It is the challenge of innovating a brave new dawn while taking a hard stop to pause in stillness. As emotions like fear and anxiety ensue after such an upheaval and major change in our way of being, there is no doubt …
How to professionally cope with COVID-19
COVID-19. What started as a terrible news story from China quickly morphed into a horrifying reality across the globe. Many of us have started to work from home, while many more of us are still on the job in fields such as healthcare and supply chain logistics. Not to mention, a growing number of us have been laid off due …
Summertime wellness ~ Healthy Tips for Fun in the Sun
The golden days of summer are here and while we may be super excited for the sunshine and good vibes, here are some tips to keep you healthy and vibrant through the season. Stay hydrated You know this already! Drinking water throughout the day, especially in the summer, will help replenish moisture and fluids in your body. Coconut water is …